Replacement school for WHEC after Scottish Government funding announcement

Education leaders in Edinburgh have welcomed the announcement of Friday 18 December that the Scottish Government is providing funding for a replacement Wester Hailes Education Centre and Liberton High School.

Both schools were included in the funding submission by the City of Edinburgh Council to the Scottish Government as part of potential projects for Phase 2 of their Learning Estate Investment Programme.

The Government has announced funding for a total of 25 projects from 18 local authorities. Alongside a replacement Currie High School this means Edinburgh has three schools from our Wave 4 learning estate project included in their investment programme.

Cllr Ian Perry, Convener for Education, Children and Families at the City of Edinburgh Council, said:

Replacement of both these schools has been a top priority for the Council and today’s announcement will be really welcomed by their school communities. I’m very pleased that the Scottish Government has recognised the strength of our bid as we’re committed to building schools which provide the very best learning environment for our young people.

Both these projects will provide us with significant opportunities to create, as part of an inclusive net zero-carbon city, community lifelong learning and sports hubs where public services can be co-located with links to active travel networks, green infrastructure and strategic public transport networks. It’s a real boost for our ambitious new school building programme which will see £500m planned investment over the next 10 years and we already have a number of schools across the primary, secondary and special sectors opening in the coming year.

We will continue to work closely with the Scottish Government, COSLA and other partners as we drive forward our plans for new school campuses that are innovatively and sustainably designed so they are inspirational places for learning for the next generation.”

Cllr Alison Dickie, Vice Convener for Education, Children and Families at the City of Edinburgh Council, said:

This excellent news from the Scottish Government means we can now press on with building these much-needed new schools for Liberton and Wester Hailes. We want schools for the future that are fit for 21st Century learning and we’ll continue to develop our plans so that greater accessibility for all pupils and a more inclusive environment promoting greater health and wellbeing are key to their success.

These projects will develop excellent facilities that meet all the aspirations of the Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Investment Strategy by connecting people, places and learning, improving outcomes for all and promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth. It also provides us with the platform to keep progressing our ambitious plans for the enhancement of Gaelic Medium Education secondary provision in the city.  GME has grown at all learning levels, and a well-designed co-located school within a Liberton campus, would support our vision of a fully immersive environment.   

We’re committed to all our new learning estate buildings being constructed in line with our bold commitment of being carbon neutral by 2030 and designed to meet the city-wide aspirations for the curriculum to address all inclusion, digital and outdoor learning requirements and ensuring all our children have the best possible learning environment in which to flourish.


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