Wester Hailes Community Council needs you

The Wester Hailes Community Council is seeking new members!

The group would like to urge any local resident who has an interest in their community to come along to their next meeting on Wednesday 2 May 2018, 6.00pm – 7.45pm at Wester Hailes library, to find out more about the group and how you could become a member.

They are also seeking six representative members, members from local organisations who live in the area and could act as a representative for their organisation.

The Wester Hailes Community Council was founded in 2009 to represent residents of Murrayburn, Clovenstone, Westburn, Dumbryden, Calders, Hailesland and all other areas in Wester Hailes, aiming to fill the gap after the dissolution of the Wester Hailes Representative Council.

It is made up local residents who volunteer their time to represent their local area across Wester Hailes and address any concerns raised by local people at monthly meetings. Since its founding it has been responsible for several community campaigns including the addition of a new bus shelter at Harvesters Way as well as the creation of the Harvesters Link, both aimed at improving access to the Healthy Living Centre. The group has also played a key role in representing the concerns of local residents across the South West of Edinburgh and the rest of the city.

The Wester Hailes Community Council meets on the first Wednesday of every month at Wester Hailes library community room, 6.00pm – 7.45pm.

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