WHALE Arts Public Community Asset Transfer Meeting

Above: The WHALE Arts building sits on land that the community could potentially own and extend out to ‘The Kickabout’ site

WHALE Arts will be holding an online public meeting on Thursday (22nd April) 6.00pm to 7.00pm as part of their Community Asset Transfer.

This is a really great opportunity for you share your views on the future of WHALE and the land that surrounds it, so please do come along if you can – it would be lovely to see as many of you as possible! Everyone is welcome, whether you live locally or work in Wester Hailes. The meeting will take place on Zoom.

Although WHALE owns its building, it currently leases the land that the building sits on from the council. The Community Asset Transfer project is an attempt to take ownership of the site on behalf of the community. As well as the WHALE site on Westburn Grove, which includes the existing community garden, another possibility is to apply for a Community Asset Transfer extending to the kickabout next door and/or part of the surrounding area of woodland. If this goes ahead, WHALE would own, look after manage and develop these assets on behalf of the community of Wester Hailes, in line with its objectives as a charity. 

You can sign up for the meeting here.

As an extra incentive, everyone that sign ups and comes along will receive a free digital portrait that will feature in WHALE’s big community collage portrait – WHALE Arts is creating a collaged portrait of the community, made up of illustrations of lots of local faces. The portraits will be drawn by illustrator Nat Aceae. See below for an example of their work or you can check them out at aceae.co.uk.

Don’t forget to take part in the Community Asset Transfer survey here.

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