New funds to help young people find work

TER Holyrood-blue-sky-parliament- scottish government

Scotland’s 32 local authorities are to share £5.8 million Scottish Government funding to help young people prepare for the world of work and get into jobs.

The funding forms part of action to reduce youth unemployment in Scotland by 40 per cent by 2021, as outlined in Developing the Young Workforce – Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy.

Councils will use the additional investment to strengthen links between schools, colleges and employers, continue developing work-based learning and career pathways for all young people, and support vulnerable groups towards employment.

This will build on the early action from local government and key partners in implementing the recommendations from the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce, building on the additional funds they received last year.

Cabinet Secretary for Fair Work, Skills and Training Roseanna Cunningham made the announcement while visiting Craigmount High School in Edinburgh. She said:

Work to reduce youth unemployment in Scotland by 40 per cent by 2021 is well underway through actions as part of our youth employment strategy. Last month’s figures showed that youth employment was at 363,000, the highest figure recorded since the same period ten years ago.

We have already funded Skills Development Scotland to provide more Modern Apprenticeships (MAs) and enhanced careers advice but we need to keep up momentum. Local government has a key role to play in preparing young women and men for employment and is already taking forward a range of activity to help them fulfil their potential.

This additional funding will allow councils to offer even more support to their young people and further boost Scotland’s economic growth.

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