Green Wester Hailes

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I love taking photographs. I took these photos in Wester Hailes during the summer time. I find my eye is drawn to beauty, the beauty of nature, the colours and textures which are all around.   We live amongst so much concrete in Wester Hailes and yet look, the natural world in all its abundance is all around us.  The contrast between the sharp lines of the buildings and the untamed shapes of the trees interest me, which do you prefer ?

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Looking from Hailes Quarry Park towards the bridge over to the old Tesco car park.   Yellow irises growing from the muddy waters of the canal in front of the high rise flats at Hailesland park.   The Union Canal looking towards the Walkers Estate.  Trees and High Rises- straight lines and curves !

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Camomile growing wild in Hailesland.   Dumbryden allotments.   Dumbryden allotments.    Trees and buildings, Murrayburn Greenway.  Murrayburn Greenway.

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